This school has been established in 2013 , which is governed by a learning council of “Purvanchal Groups of Educational Trust.”, At present this school provides education form 10th class haiving in view for higher classes. Affiliated To the Central Board of Secandary Education, New Delhi (C.B.S.E Code : 2132031)


In so short period this school has its own identity. The attractive building , good ventilated rooms, its natural and peaceful location attract the student from all sides. This school has a big play ground. For the facility of the student s this school provides vehicles too. 

Principal's Desk

Dear Student

L.S.S. National Public Sr Sec School, Narauli Jaunpur is an organization primarily aimed to offer solution across multiple levels in Education. The Foundation of L.S.S. National Public Sr Sec School is an excellent blend of a pool of talented professionals from the field of early education, education research and experts with an infinite wealth of experience. Enabled with rich leadership the organization is born with the vision of setting new benchmarks in the field of education by optimizing quality in all deliverables through INNOVATION. The Organization in committed to the concept of “Shared growth, Shared ones, Shared success.”

We introduce ourselves as an educationally focused organization that intends to raise the bar on standards of quality in education across the nation by our sincere performance and dedicated efforts.

We herewith present our noble venture ‘L.S.S. National Public Sr Sec School, Narauli Jaunpur” a well-researched tuition concept.
